Saturday, January 29, 2011

And so...

You know, I wasn't going to... start a blog, I mean. Everyone does it, so why would I? Who would read it? We all have a Facebook account, don't we? And that's when I realised not everyone has Facebook. For example, I literally had to force Le Boyfriend to make one and even though I know he checks it, he is in no way active. And then you have Les Parents, I'm sure that they prefer reading a blog rather than browsing Facebook for status updates or new photo albums. Maybe, and this is just a little bit the case, I'm starting this blog because I was inspired by some other blogs and thought I'd accept the challenge of creating a blog that people look forward to seeing the next post from. This is the feeling I had when reading Paname, which my friend, who is doing her internship in Paris, is writing.

Why am I starting this blog now?
Wellllll, I just started an internship in Cannes, France. I am here until the 14th of June, working as a receptionist in a hotel in Cannes la Bocca, just outside Cannes. L'hôtel is to be found in the middle of an industrial zone so the location isn't great. But, no complaints, there is a bus stop just a few minutes walk from L'hôtel that takes me to Cannes Centre and la Croisette.
I visited la Croisette on Wednesday. Best day so far! The weather was lovely. I arrived and started to walk past ALL the amazing stores (Gucci, Fendi, and yes, Mum, even Anne Fontaine) that are all located next to each other, mouthwatering I assure you! Midway I had a coffee on a terras, outside (I know, how awesome) in the sun. I continued my tour until I started feeling hungry and went to McDo for lunch, again outside. I walked through the port where there are so many yachts, I nearly (but not really) got tired of seeing them. In short, I love Cannes.

La Croisette

Meanwhile, I've worked two days, the morning shift. I must say I do learn a lot here. At the moment L'hôtel is not busy at all so there is enough time for the other receptionists to explain everything to me clearly. Oooh, and I learned a new word - let me ask you first, to check if you would have known it :  "To staple sth." ... Uhuh, I had no clue, and apparently it's a word most interns don't actually know, or so I was told. It's "agrafer". And so far : new word of the day!

Now, it's the weekend. And I'm free. Only bad thing is that it's raining today. But, not to worry, they're predicting 10 to 15° from Monday onwards!
Tomorrow I'm planning to go to Cannes Centre to see some fellow classmates, exciting.

A bientôt!



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