Friday, April 22, 2011

La Dolce Vita

And again : WOW, how April is flying by. It's nearly the end of the month and I hardly realised it. This is of course due to all the visits I'm getting and the apéro's I'm doing because of the sunny weather. And, not to forget, the schoolwork I'm (trying to be) doing.
A week ago two of my teachers came to visit, to do a halftime-evaluation. I didn't get a day (or hours) off but then I had lunch à la plage the next day with my friends and the teachers, so all was good. It was a lovely lunch and delicious wine. Oh, and my grades : also good! 28/30 - can't complain!
I had to fight for my 4 days off last weekend and Monday / Tuesday, but... I got them! And my amazing boyfriend came over during those days so we had ourselves a decadent mini-holiday. I loved every minute of it, except for maybe when we went shopping - our tastes differ quite a bit. No, I'm kidding, it was great spending time together.
We spent a day on the beach, which lead to Le Boyfriend being quite sunburnt. We visited Monaco; the old town and, of course, the Monte Carlo Casino followed by a glass of rosé at Café de Paris. We spent a day strolling through Cannes, shopping. And on top of that we enjoyed several apéro's and delicious meals and just each other's company!

Now it's the "Cannes Shopping Festival" so I really won't get a chance to be bored in the next few days. In May I have my mum's visit to look forward to (I so hope I get at least one day off) and the Festival de Cannes as well as a visit from two amazing friends. Ah, la vie en rose! And then, it's nearly over...

Now some more MC-Work!



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