Saturday, March 26, 2011


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Merci beaucoup!



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sortir & Sunburn & Shopping

Here I am, a glass of white wine at hand, a good tune in the background. I'm enjoying my last night all alone. Because tomorrow my roommates start arriving. In a way I think it may be nice, on the other hand I'm a bit sceptical, but let's stay positive! From what I've hear my 2 roommates will be Chinese girls, but of course more updates on this 'hot topic' soon.
I worked Le Matin today, and again tomorrow. Before that I had my repos, which was... sunny! There was sun the entire time and I made the most of it. On Tuesday I started off the day with a bit of shopping, tell me this handbag doesn't spell out "Anabel". I couldn't leave it.
After the shops, it was the sun's turn and I enjoyed a Kir on a terrace, followed by a very delicious Italian lunch with a friend. After lunch we set of to the beach where we placed ourselves on comfy duo-sunbeds. Later I was accompanied by another friend and we started of with some wine and continued to her flat for a home-made tapas meal.
The next day the sun was out early again, so after the necessary grocery shopping I set off to the beach to finish my book. I was there for a bit more than two hours and... I got a slight sunburn. Summer has started, I daresay. Following La Plage, I met two friends and we enjoyed cocktails during Happy Hour and a very giant pizza afterwards.

In the weekend, even though I had to work, I went out to Cannes. As I got there it was a bit rainy, but when we left the Irish Pub the rain had gotten a lot worse. What made it better was the fact that we managed to watch an Oscar-worthy fight on a yacht. The fight included : a half-naked man, drunk people, a violent girl... all in all, a situation I wish I could have filmed to share with you. The night out itself was fun, and I even managed to get the bus driver to drop me off at the door of the hotel. Le Depot is in the street of my hotel.



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Perfume, Cocktails, Laundry and Lunch

As promised, here is my next post. Not at all such a long time after my previous one, so I'm pleased.
So yes, I played 'tourist' on Monday. I went to Grasse, where we had a lovely lunch in a very special restaurant. It was so delicious, it almost made me forget the (usually) bad food I get in L'hôtel. After a lovely, long lunch we set off to the MIP, Musée International de la Parfumerie. It was a modern museum where we learned more about how perfume is made. Following the MIP, we visited a Parfumerie, where they actually still make soap and perfume. Grasse, the city, is not special so apart from the perfume houses there is nothing much to see. I am glad I went there though.
To close of a nice day we went to Au Bureau in Cannes, it's a cosy pub where Happy Hour is between 5pm and 7pm. The four of us all had a yummy cocktail and bitings. Definitely going back there, and not just because the waiter asked us : "so you will come back... for me?" Um, suuuure, whatever you say!
My second day off was... rainy, really rainy. I got up and did some room-cleaning. This consisted of doing laundry, hoovering, changing the sheets on my bed. As well as separating the beds as I'm getting a roommate next week. This has me feeling curious and also hoping I will get along with her, because we are going to have to live together for 2,5 months... Gosh, I'm getting to old for this boarding school stuff. Been there, done that! But anyway, not judging nor complaining - we'll just have to wait and see.
Following the cleaning session, I went to Cannes (despite the rain). I had a lovely lunch with my friend and because the rain got worse, I went back to my room for a quiet evening filled with noisy skype-sessions. I can't complain about my 'repos'.
And now, just an hour before I go back to work. My shift this week is 12 till 20h45, lovely... NOT.

Till next time,



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cannes vs. Belgium

Oh my, I feel ashamed for not having written in so long. It has been busy though, kind of.
Actually I was home last week. I had to be in Belgium for a meeting, and I made it a visit to see La Famille and Le Boyfriend. But, wow, it was so hard to say goodbye again. It's not that I don't like it here, I love Cannes, but it's the 'being on your own in a random environment'-thing that I don't like so much. I did make some resolutions though, to visit more of the surrounding area and enjoy life. I'm here for 3 more months so I have to make the most of it.
When I got back, I immediately started working again - it was MIPIM here so the hotel was fully booked. It was fun welcoming so many Belgians, and even better, fellow "west-vloamingen".
Meanwhile the weather here is bad; rain and wind. And this while everyone back home gets to enjoy the sun. What is up? Cannes is meant to be the more tropical of the two!
Tomorrow, and the day after, I have my 'weekend' so hopefully the weather is nicer and I'll be able to be a tourist with classmates and enjoy some apéro's with friends.
I promise not to wait this long before posting again.

