Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cannes vs. Belgium

Oh my, I feel ashamed for not having written in so long. It has been busy though, kind of.
Actually I was home last week. I had to be in Belgium for a meeting, and I made it a visit to see La Famille and Le Boyfriend. But, wow, it was so hard to say goodbye again. It's not that I don't like it here, I love Cannes, but it's the 'being on your own in a random environment'-thing that I don't like so much. I did make some resolutions though, to visit more of the surrounding area and enjoy life. I'm here for 3 more months so I have to make the most of it.
When I got back, I immediately started working again - it was MIPIM here so the hotel was fully booked. It was fun welcoming so many Belgians, and even better, fellow "west-vloamingen".
Meanwhile the weather here is bad; rain and wind. And this while everyone back home gets to enjoy the sun. What is up? Cannes is meant to be the more tropical of the two!
Tomorrow, and the day after, I have my 'weekend' so hopefully the weather is nicer and I'll be able to be a tourist with classmates and enjoy some apéro's with friends.
I promise not to wait this long before posting again.



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