Thursday, February 24, 2011

Missing Belgium, Meeting Belgians and Le Beach

I was hoping on having some super exciting news to be telling you, but it's been pretty quiet here. I'm in a bit of a mellow mood - just missing people and certain moments...
I keep having the evening shifts, which aren't my favourite but we have large groups of elderly tourists at the hotel and because they tend to ask for a lot of information, form complaints or just come for a chat it's useful being two at the reception.
So, Belgium still doesn't have a government - great record guys... But even so, I do miss it or at least home.
Last week I checked in a Belgian man. Doing the whole procedure in Dutch was nice for a change.
Me : "Donc, vous n'êtes pas français..."
Guest : "Non, je suis belge."
Me: "Ah mais moi aussi!"
Guest : "C'est vrai?"
Me : "Nederlands?"
Guest : "Ja, oef, ik doe hier zoveel moeite om frans te spreken."

I did have a few other meetings with fellow Belgians actually. On Sunday I had a "blind date" with two girls who study to be nurses and are also doing their internship in Cannes, in the hospital . I didn't really know what to expect but, with a glass of wine, we had a nice chat. I had to go back to work that day and the weather wasn't looking all that great so it was a short meeting, but definitely not the last.
On my day off, on Monday the weather was amazing and (I have to write this in capital letters or the effect will just not be the same) I WENT TO THE BEACH, IN MY BIKINI - may I remind you the date was February 21st!
On Tuesday the weather (it really is having it's moments) wasn't so great but I spent the afternoon with Une Amie from class; lunch, shopping, chatting and a Gossip Girl episode. All this followed by a Skype session with Le Boyfriend accompanied by a glass of wine! Good times.
And now work again, but at least it keeps me busy. Imagine, I've been here for about a month now, time does go fast...



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

48-hour holiday...

Last day off, and it's raining! Not. Cool.
I had planned to go to Cannes but with it raining non-stop there isn't really much fun about it. So, it's a day in. I've done the first bunch of laundry, my colours. Yes, I'm totally turning pro here. And in a bit I'm going to do the dark colours. I also want to do some more work on my management case, of which the official title has to be confirmed by Friday. Eeek!

The past few days were great, it was so much fun being with someone you know and feeling more 'on holiday'. Le Boyfriend and I discovered Rue d' Antibes, which is the main shopping street here in Cannes. Ok, there is also La Croisette, but let's just say the shops there are more for special (very special in fact) occasions.
We walked up to vieux Cannes, or Le Suquet, with cosy streets and restaurants and a beautiful view of the city.
We strolled on the beach, and along La Croisette and went to nice restaurants for delicious meals. All in all it was a short, but worth it, 48 hours in Cannes.

A bientôt!



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy me!

In case you were expecting another post on la vie Cannoise, I have to disappoint you. Although, why not a little bit of an update. I just got off work, I have Le Matin this week which means getting up at 6h15 and ready to rumble by 7h00. I've two more days to go. And then : weekend! Or should I say : four days off. And not just any four days, because Le Boyfriend is arriving on Saturday so I have tons to look forward to.
More exciting news though... I passed all my exams!!! I never have to write an exam again (unless, and there is just a miniscule chance, that I continue studying). And we're not counting my Management Case, hereafter known as Le MC, because that's not a proper exam. Ok, it's a huge (probably the biggest I've ever had to write) assignment and together with my internship it's the most important part of my degree, but I like it. The subject is something which interests me and I have a lot to say about, so I'm guessing that's a good start.

On another note, I hope dinner is yummy tonight. Because I've been deprived of good (or at least acceptable) food for a while now. Mmm, I better find some good and cosy restaurants to go to with Le Boyfriend this weekend then.

Till next time,
A bientôt!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

La vie en rosé!

Ah, what a beautiful weather it has been the past few days! It immediately adds to a good mood. I mean, who doesn't love to wear their sunglasses, and enjoy several glasses of chilled wine on the beach?! Might I add, for your information, that it is currently February. Just saying...
On Friday I only had to start work at 15h15, and seeing the blue sky and rays of sunshine just before noon, I decided I needed to go outside. So, I went out and started walking towards the Port de Plaisance de Mandelieu - La Napoule. This town is also known as the capital of the mimosa. It was over half an hour walk, and as I was starting to feel hungry I found myself a table, outside of a nice little restaurant, facing the sun and the yachts. I even had to take of my jacket as it was too hot. After a pasta with salmon and a glass of white wine I walked back to start the last shift of the week, a very calm one at that. But at least it also gave me time to do research for my management case.
I have the weekend off, yes! Saturday was another day of splendid weather so a friend who is in Nice came over to visit La Croisette. Walking does make you feel thirsty, so we found ourselves a place on the beach to enjoy a bottle of rosé wine and a catch up. A bit later we were joined by another friend who just got off work, and again a bottle of rosé and chats were off the essence. The amazing apéro on the beach was followed by a lovely dinner in a cosy restaurant. Needless to say, the italian-style dinner was accompanied by, yes,  another glass of rosé.

Les filles @ Plage Royal, Cannes

To finish of the great weekend (and its only Sunday morning) Le Boyfriend has booked his tickets to come over next weekend! Total excitement!! I'd like to add, even though we decided we're not doing anything special for Valentine's Day, he is going to be here on the 14th and I'm already sure it'll be the best Valentine's Day ever!

A bientôt!

Et, à votre santé...


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A new look and old friends...

Voila, the new workweek has started. But not without... a new uniform. Before I came here I was told to bring a "jupe noir et chemisier blanc", and so I did. I even went out and bought two new white shirts. But apparently La Directrice didn't like my skirt so she made the housekeeping ladies search for a uniform. I wouldn't really mind if it wasn't such a horrid uniform. From top to bottom I now stand at the reception desk wearing a pink, short-sleeved shirt, and a blue, baggy, woolen jacket on top of that. Then I have a dark grey skirt, which isn't too bad. And I finish my outfit of with black shoes. Thank God I brought heels, otherwise it would have been a complete disaster.

 But still : no complaints!

 I started off the week in a good mood because I spent Sunday afternoon with 2 friends from school. They're also in Cannes and they get to share an apartment. No wait, they prefer calling it their penthouse. It's cosy and it was really nice catching up and seeing some familiar faces. Of course this was accompanied by a glass of wine and bitings. I'm already looking forward to our next apéro....
Also the very long and uninterrupted Skype-session (trust me, it's rare that there are no connection problems) with Le Boyfriend a couple of hours before work helped to get me all set for the next few days of work!

A bientôt!


Ready for work...