Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy me!

In case you were expecting another post on la vie Cannoise, I have to disappoint you. Although, why not a little bit of an update. I just got off work, I have Le Matin this week which means getting up at 6h15 and ready to rumble by 7h00. I've two more days to go. And then : weekend! Or should I say : four days off. And not just any four days, because Le Boyfriend is arriving on Saturday so I have tons to look forward to.
More exciting news though... I passed all my exams!!! I never have to write an exam again (unless, and there is just a miniscule chance, that I continue studying). And we're not counting my Management Case, hereafter known as Le MC, because that's not a proper exam. Ok, it's a huge (probably the biggest I've ever had to write) assignment and together with my internship it's the most important part of my degree, but I like it. The subject is something which interests me and I have a lot to say about, so I'm guessing that's a good start.

On another note, I hope dinner is yummy tonight. Because I've been deprived of good (or at least acceptable) food for a while now. Mmm, I better find some good and cosy restaurants to go to with Le Boyfriend this weekend then.

Till next time,
A bientôt!


1 comment:

  1. Anabel I thougt they were taking franche in Cannes ? Why are you writing in English ?
    You have a nice time in Cannes. Salutations Eveline
