Tuesday, February 15, 2011

48-hour holiday...

Last day off, and it's raining! Not. Cool.
I had planned to go to Cannes but with it raining non-stop there isn't really much fun about it. So, it's a day in. I've done the first bunch of laundry, my colours. Yes, I'm totally turning pro here. And in a bit I'm going to do the dark colours. I also want to do some more work on my management case, of which the official title has to be confirmed by Friday. Eeek!

The past few days were great, it was so much fun being with someone you know and feeling more 'on holiday'. Le Boyfriend and I discovered Rue d' Antibes, which is the main shopping street here in Cannes. Ok, there is also La Croisette, but let's just say the shops there are more for special (very special in fact) occasions.
We walked up to vieux Cannes, or Le Suquet, with cosy streets and restaurants and a beautiful view of the city.
We strolled on the beach, and along La Croisette and went to nice restaurants for delicious meals. All in all it was a short, but worth it, 48 hours in Cannes.

A bientôt!



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